IN PHOTOS: Baby Amari is cuteness overload in mini photoshoot

Cuteness overload!

Newbie parents Coleen Garcia and Billy Crawford’s firstborn Amari shines in a mini photoshoot. 

The happy parents took to social media to share the cutest photos of their baby boy all bundled up in his gray blanket. 


Meanwhile, Billy jokingly warned his followers that his post will definitely be “cuteness overload”. 

In one of the photos, he featured baby Amari napping in a little basket. 

In the comment section, veteran singer-dancer Gary Valenciano gushed over how cute Amari is. 

“Wala na!!!! I’m now glued to just looking at these pics. Quiet!!!!! No one bother me pls!!!!! STOP IT!!!!! Pambihirang batang ‘to,” he wrote. 

In another post, the proud father shared the “expectations vs. reality” of shooting with their one-month-old. 

Coleen and Billy welcomed baby Amari last September 10. The actress gave birth to their first child through water birth in their home. 

READ: Coleen Garcia, Billy Crawford welcome first child

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