Sharon Cuneta had the surprise of her life when she woke up to a gift from her dear friend Judy Ann Santos.
On Instagram, she shared that she just got up from her siesta and found a dog crate with a ribbon tied to it. The card that came along with the crate stated that it came from Judy Ann and her husband Ryan Agoncillo.
“And when I opened the crate, this tiny teacup Maltese baby boy stared back at me,” the veteran actress-singer said as she revealed her friend’s surprise.
Sharon shared that she will be naming her fur baby, Toby, after one of the characters in her favorite political drama series, The West Wing.
With Toby joining the Megastar’s fur kids, she now has 10 “well-behaved” dogs at home.
“They are all coming home with us to the ‘big house’ once it’s done. And yes I’m getting more dogs. They make me so happy,” she said.
Sharon is referring to her family’s future house that is already in the works. In a social media post, she shared that the design of their soon-to-be-home will prioritize their fur babies.