Barbie Imperial decries fake nude photo

Barbie Imperial is the latest celebrity to have fallen victim to a maliciously edited photo being spread online.

On Monday, the Kapamilya actress shared via Instagram a photo of her wearing a neon-colored bikini which she first posted back in March 2020 and a digitally altered version of it that made her appear naked.

In the caption, she slammed those who have shared and criticized her for the fake nude photo.

“Grabe, sobrang stupid naman. You really think I’ll post a photo like this? Sa lahat ng nagshashare nito, ANG LALA NYO. And sa lahat ng nagbabash and madaming sinasabi sakin dahil sa picture na to, ANG TANGA LANG,” said Barbie. 

The 22-year-old actress continued to chide those behind the edited photos. 

“Wala na ba kayong magawa kundi mag edit ng photos ng mga babae at gawing nude photo? Paisa lang po, dahil nakakagigil talaga gumawa nito. Ilang babae pa ang magiging biktima ng mga makikitid nyong utak?! Itigil nyo na, wala kayong ambag, continued Barbie. 

Barbie also called on the Twitter community to put a stop to the malicious editing of photos.

“Itigil niyo na yang kababuyan niyo,” she said.

Just recently, fellow actresses Sue Ramirez and Maris Racal also denounced the spread of a fake nude photo of them together via their respective Instagram accounts.


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