Showing posts from July, 2024Show All
Harris Cultivates Media Allies in Off-the-Record Schmoozefests
Japan’s Population Implosion Is an Economic Time Bomb
EXCLUSIVE: Organization Fighting Radical Gender Ideology in California Sues School District for Withholding Public Records
Young Adults Still Living at Home With Parents at Highest Rate in Nearly 85 Years
US Ally Paraguay Stands Firmly With Israel, Taiwan
4 Charts Provide Crucial Context as America’s Debt Hits $35 Trillion
Billionaires Bankrolling Kamala Harris’ Tough-on-Crime Campaign Wanted to Defund Police, Install Soros Prosecutors
Thailand Bribes Voters Into a Central Bank Digital Currency
SPLC ‘Labeled Us Anti-Ourselves’: Gays Against Groomers Founder Responds to ‘Hate Group’ Smear
EXCLUSIVE: California School District Forces Students to Room With Trans Classmates to Go on Overnight Trips 
3 Drag Queens Carry the Olympic Torch in France
Over Three-Fifths of Americans Believe Kamala Harris Covered Up Biden’s Health Issues, Polls Find
Kamala Harris Wanted to End Cash Bail, Reduce Penalties for Criminals
How History Will Remember Biden
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