Angeli Pangilinan, Gary Valenciano defend son Gab from bashers

Angeli Pangilinan and Gary Valenciano have come to the defense of their son Gab Valenciano who has been receiving criticisms online for supporting presidential bet vice president Leni Robredo and running mate Kiko Pangilinan.

Gab has been actively participating and hosting in the rallies of Leni and his uncle Kiko’s tandem for the May 2022 elections since the start of the campaign. 

On Twitter’s Gab’s mom Angeli addressed her son’s critics and pleaded with them to stop the bashing. 

“To trolls & insensitive netizens who are bashing my son @gabvalenciano for believing in the #LeniKiko tandem. It took years for him to bounce back from his mental breakdown some years back so I am warning u to please STOP YOUR CYBER BULLYING & bashing our son. God bless you,” wrote Angeli.

In 2019, Gab revealed being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and clinical depression.

Angeli’s husband Gary Valenciano echoed her statement in a tweet and gave their son a message of love and support.

“I stand with you in this hon. And son? No matter how much you’ve been bashed…rain or shine you also have inspired countless with your stand. Continue to reflect the character of those you stand for and let the bashers reflect theirs. I love you so much @gabvalenciano,” said Gary.

Gab, meanwhile, reassured that he’s not at all affected the negative comments thrown at him.

“Awww mama, love you. I am grateful that through the years, I have managed to gain the strength to overcome such negativity and hate. In all honesty, I am unbothered by the bashing.Let us continue to pray for them. That’s what Jesus would do,” wrote Gab, quoting his mom’s tweet.

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